
Who is this guy?

Let me introduce myself first, don’t worry i’ll keep it short.
My name is Andreas & I live in Ghent, Belgium.
I’m 2 finals away from beeing an industrial engineer computer science.

Why should i care?
Well, you shouldn’t. I’m doing this as “practice writing” thing. While sometimes I really enjoy writing, I actually never considered myself a good writer. So please if you have any suggestions, post them below.

Why did I start with this blog?
I started this blog after I won the award for best blogpost / blogwriter of #oSoc14. You are probably wondering what open summer of code is. Well it’s, like the name suggests, a summer program for students to design, implement and present applications. The idea is that students work 3 weeks on a project during the summer. They start with the design and end with the presentation of the project. Afterwards, the source code remains available for anyone to improve it. The great news is that we actually get paid for this work; we get paid to learn new things! Awesome!

oSoc14 start in Leiedal, Kortrijk.

oSoc14 start in Leiedal, Kortrijk.

A part of oSoc is promoting your project. This is done by e.g. tweeting, contacting the press, writing blogposts. I wrote 2 blogposts, well actually i didn’t write the whole first post by myself, and won the blogpost award with my second post. If you want to know more or are wondering what i did there, then you should check my blogposts: